Is This An Emergency?
You need to call emergency services if you think someone is overdosing or in immediate danger Call 9-1-1
You need to call emergency services if you think someone is overdosing or in immediate danger Call 9-1-1
Talking with your teen or young adult can be challenging. Having meaningful, ongoing conversations about drugs and alcohol, however, is key to helping keep your son or daughter healthy and safe.
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Striving For A Drug Free Billerica
Mission and Vision: To increase awareness, promote education, and provide resources to the community in order to reduce community-wide substance use disorder in Billerica. By fostering a community that embraces healthy choices and healthy lifestyles, we work to promote an addiction and stigma free society, so its families and its children may enjoy the peace and prosperity that evidence based solutions facilitate.
GOAL: Create a region that prevents substance misuse and/or reduces substance use disorder and associated mental health illnesses for all demographics.